<aside> 🔥 A carefully curated list of some of my favorite books, podcasts, academic publications and articles that will help you embark on your journey towards understanding and embodying the Regenerative Worldview and applying it to your self, life and Business.


Start Here 🌿

1 short video, 1 TedTalk, 5 definitions and 1 article for a light start

Deep Dive To-Go 🥾

1 audiobook, Podcast and Playlist for a on-the-move- deep dive. Grab your headphones, head to the park and immerse yourself in the world of Regeneration

Continue Your Regeneration Journey

This introduction is the accessible and understandable starting point that I would have loved when I started my regeneration journey. Once you have explored this introduction I want to invite you to continue your journey with the Regenerative Business (Un)Learning Hub, a curated collection of 155+ and counting resources & recommendations. You get life long access to the hub for any fair price of your choosing over €25. This Hub continues evolving as I continue in collaboration with other explores the regeneration journey.

<aside> 🔥 Explore The Regenerative Business (Un)Learning Hub


Join 3500+ impact intrapreneurs, (aspiring) regenerative business leaders and receive the Shifting Horizons for Regenerative Futures newsletter twice a month.

(Un)Learn, Imagine & Transform For Regenerative Futures


This Introduction to Regenerative Futures Is Created by Minou Schillings

Minou Schillings is on a mission to infuse business with Imagination and Regeneration. Her motto is simple: "When you never change your mind, why have one?" As a regenerative explorer, she is dedicated to helping impact intrapreneurs and business leaders to shed old-school thinking and embrace a brighter, radically different & sustainable future.

Minou's Dutch roots ensure you're in for a direct, no-nonsense, and Down-To-Gaia experience. She's a disarming speaker on a mission to make the complex accessible, the unimaginable possible and the future radically different and better for all life on earth.

She chooses collaboration over competition and the train over a corner office. As the initiator of the Shifting Horizons movement, Minou will take you on a journey to Unlearn, Imagine and Transform.

<aside> 🌿 Book A Free 30 Min Discover Call


Regenerative Transformation facilitator & keynote speaker

Regenerative Transformation facilitator & keynote speaker

[email protected]

